黃楷馨個展 筆記#11調音調色 6/6-28.2018

黃楷馨個展 筆記#11調音調色 6/6-28.2018

2018-06-01 會員活動快訊 0
文/黃楷馨 你一定聽過這樣的泛神論神秘主義寓言,至少我就閱讀過諸多版本: 人的靈體在尚未進入粗重的肉體之前,自由自在、細緻輕盈、存在於無邊無際的高頻領域、祝福與快樂裡。當造物者要求靈體進入肉體時,靈體百般不願意,因為現在的存在狀態如此愉悅,為何要進入一個粗重不堪、低頻、受時空限制又會衰老生病、受盡情緒苦惱折磨的身體呢?造物者為了誘使靈體進入肉體,只好請天使們演奏美妙的音樂,靈體聽著音樂太過陶醉,又為了要把音樂聽得更清楚…只好借用人體的耳朵來聽,就這麼不知不覺地走入軀體裡,靈體就被肉體化入人身了!!?
所以究竟是「恨得其身」還是「人身難得」?已經不是最重要了。「Here we go again!」(feat.Ray Charles)這是第11次個展,因此直接稱為筆記#11:來到創作者的筆記本裡,與音樂和文學較為直接相關的一頁。如果一定要求得為展覽取一個標題的話,可以姑且稱它為「調音、調色」,讓我們再次回到這個最為基本又最為關鍵的命題。11.April.2018
筆記#11調音調色 Note#11 tuning
展覽時間time 6/6(wed)-28(Tue)
開幕opening 6/9(sat)16:00
地點 location 99°藝術中心 99degree art center 台灣台北市承德路七段286號        
營業時間: 11:00-18:30 (周一公休) Tel +886 2 2821-1599

展間活動a special tea ceremony 《腦比天寬·無事茶席》
時間 6/24(sun) 13:30 開始
note#11 You must have heard such pantheistic mysticism. At least I have read many versions:Before occupying the flesh, the human spirit wanders free and light in a boundary-less expanse of high frequency, blessings, and joy. When the Creator invited the Spirit to enter the flesh, the Spirit was unwilling to do so because the present state of existence was so pleasing. Why would it need to enter a body that is bulky, low-frequency, time-bound and prone to aging, illness, and emotional distress? To entice the Spirit to enter the flesh, the Creator instructed the angels to play wonderful music. The Spirit was so intoxicated with the beautiful music that it used the human ear to be able to hear better. Unwittingly, this led to the Spirit entering and merging with the physical human frame to become human!
So, it no longer matters whether it is “hate this body” or “a body to cherish”. “Here we go again!” (feat. Ray Charles) This is my 11th solo exhibition hence the title Note #11: come into the notebook of the creator, to the page where music and literature have a direct relationship. If there must be a need to give a theme to this exhibition, then perhaps we could call it “tuning” to bring us back to this basic yet crucial theme. April 11, 2018. https://www.facebook.com/events/192677058043432/?active_tab=about