光之夏織 Weaving Summer Light, 「ART TRAIL 2023 OLD HARBOUR」at Pietarsaari, Jakobstad, Finland

光之夏織 Weaving Summer Light, 「ART TRAIL 2023 OLD HARBOUR」at Pietarsaari, Jakobstad, Finland

2024-03-05 未分類 0

《光之夏織 Weaving Summer Light》

我的作品試圖以藝術的方法來聯繫人們的情感及製造記憶上的共鳴,並以主視覺的碎布結串作為一種人與人、人與地方及物件之間關係連結的象徵。透過與人們生活關係密切的織物,結合在地文化元素及物件,作品成為了一種訊息傳達的中介,藉此喚起曾經關連的時間與情感,那些在生活中從不曾抹滅,卻不經意間就被遺忘的細微瑣事。如此,作品成為追溯陳跡往事也製造新故事的藝術物件。 初抵芬蘭時,我立即被無所不在的藍色物件所吸引,從芬蘭國旗到赫爾辛基的售票機,搭乘火車時一路指示的標誌、街燈等,以藍色為底調的色彩變化,深刻地映入眼簾。因此,舊港林蔭道上的作品,我採用了大量的藍色系織物。除了用臺灣及在地所收集的布料來製作象徵連結的碎布結串之外,還收集了森林裡的樹枝來製作燈籠。 在臺灣,燈籠不僅常使用於在寺廟等祈禱的場所,也在各種節慶中成為妝點節日氣氛不可或缺的物件。因此,當我感受芬蘭人是如何地珍視短暫的夏日時光,積極地舉辦各式活動,不時地有各種競賽及運動登場,尤其舊港林蔭旁總是來往著健行運動人士方,臨近的海邊不時地傳來人們戲水享受日光浴的歡笑聲時,在這盛夏時節,我選擇將綴以布結的燈籠的「光之夏織」,裝置於舊港熱鬧的林蔭小徑上。

My artwork aims to connect people’s emotions and create resonance with their memories through artistic methods. The main visual element of my work is the interweaving fabric strings, symbolizing the relationships between people, places, and objects. By combining these fabrics with local cultural elements and objects, my artwork becomes a medium of communication, evoking past connections, forgotten moments, and creating new stories. It serves as an artistic object that traces the remnants of the past and sparks the creation of new narratives. Upon arriving in Finland, I was immediately captivated by the omnipresent hue of blue. From the Finnish flag to the ticket machines in Helsinki, the blue color pervaded every aspect of the landscape. Hence, for my artwork displayed along the shaded path of the Old Harbor, I extensively used fabrics in shades of blue. In addition to the fabric strings symbolizing connections, I also collected tree branches from the local forests to create lanterns. In Taiwan, lanterns hold significant meaning not only in temples but also during traditional festivals, adding to the festive atmosphere. Observing how Finns cherish the fleeting summer, actively engage in various activities, and enjoy sports and sunbathing by the harbor, I chose to install my “Weaving Summer Light” installation along the lively path of the Old Harbor during this vibrant season.

「ART TRAIL 2023 OLD HARBOUR」at Pietarsaari, Jakobstad, Finland


受邀藝術家/ Invited artists: CHIA-HUI LUO, Taiwan(台灣)/ RI EUNG-WOO, South Korea(韓國)/ HELINÄ HUKKATAIVAL, Finland(芬蘭)/ SALLY KIDALL, Australia(澳洲)/ THOMAS MAY, Germany(德國)/ AMARSAIKHAN NAMSRAIJAV, Mongolia(蒙古)/ UTE RITSCHEL, Germany(德國) 主辦/ Organizer: Kulturbyrån i Jakobstad


時間/Time: 12.6.2023-18.8.2023, 17.00-16.00 活動/Event times: 12.6.2023, 17.00-17.00 ; 7.7.2023, 16.00-16.00 ;2023/06/03, 06/04, 14:00-17:00 地點/Place: Old Harbour, Jakobstad, Repslagarbanan, 68600 Jakobstad


協力單位 Cooperation|OUR AIR, Artists-In-Residency 贊助Supporter|Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike), Central Ostrobothnia Regional Fund, Konstsamfundet and Svenska Kulturfonden