晨 Morning, 100x100cm, 混合媒材 Mixed Media

晨 Morning, 100x100cm, 混合媒材 Mixed Media

2024-03-05 未分類 0

秋日的早晨,天空撒下薄霧,籠罩整個林間;早起隨興漫步,此起彼落的鳥聲是這林間的奏樂者。晨霧淡淡地染著草裡的昆蟲、林木,遠山幽遠, 林子的盡頭霧濛濛的神秘感,甜潤的空氣裡伴著淡淡一片詩情,晨林的一切似乎無視於現代高度工業社會的喧囂,格外寧靜,美麗恬靜,這裡是希望的野地,夢裡故鄉。

On an autumn morning, the sky blankets the forest with a thin mist, creating a serene atmosphere. Walking casually in the early hours, the birdsong echoes through the woods, acting as the musicians of this forest symphony. The morning mist lightly touches the insects and trees, while the distant mountains add to the mystical allure of the forest’s edge. In the tranquil air, there is a subtle poetic charm, as if everything in the morning forest exists apart from the noisy modern industrial society, embracing extraordinary tranquility and beauty. Here lies a wild land of hope, reminiscent of a homeland found only in dreams.