第一屆 台灣國際黯黑舞蹈藝術節 Taiwan International Darkness Dance Festival

第一屆 台灣國際黯黑舞蹈藝術節 Taiwan International Darkness Dance Festival

2017-10-18 未分類 0

第一屆 台灣國際黯黑舞蹈藝術節 Taiwan International Darkness Dance Festival

Huashan 1914-UmayTheatre

2017.11.25 pm7:00


節目長度約75分鐘,無中場休息  (本次演出有裸露部分 請觀眾斟酌觀賞)





Faced with the relentless passage of time and trials of life, while living in a universe where everything is subject to change, can you hear your heart’s voice? Can you find your true self?

These are the messages the International Darkness Contemporary Dance Troupe hopes to get across to its audiences. Their performances, with neither narratives nor plots, are a simple combination of pure body movements and tunes, aiming to evoke the sense of emotional fickleness deep down in our hearts. In addition, through organizing the Taiwan International Darkness Dance Festival, the dance troupe uses the idea of “falling” to project the inner hearts of people, expressed in an impressively brilliant way to resonate with the audience off the dark, shadowy stage.

Dancers and musicians performing at the Festival are from Taiwan, Sweden, Finland, Japan, and Hong Kong—all of which received professional training in Butoh and contemporary dance, and martial arts. Bandsmen include vocal improvisationists, guqinists, cellists, pianists, and Nanguan musicians. Through collective creations, they bounc musical ideas off each other to put on a great performance. As the music plays, an endless cycle of dance and body movement goes on, while rounds of dim light and fluttering fire in the dark symbolize care for each other’s free and equal spiritual world.


製作人|胡 嘉 Producer|Hu Chia

當代舞蹈/ 舞踏家介紹 Contemporary Dance/ Butoh




Shaw-Chi Chen|Legend Lin Dance Theatre Former Dancer | Costume Designer

Tagore”Stray Birds”~ “Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.


野村祐 |台日混血巫女|當代豫劇畫家


Yu Nomura|Dancer|Miko|Painter

Beyond life and death, with self reconciliation.


Rasmus Ölme|瑞典當代舞蹈家/ 編舞家|丹麥哥本哈根表演藝術學院擔任舞蹈和編舞教育負責人


Rasmus Ölme|Dancer/ Choreographer|Head of the Dance and Choreography education at the Danish National School of Performing Arts in Copenhagen.

Follow the movement.




Vinci Mok|Butoh Dancer Curator

while the illusion from the reality now fighting against with the reality from the illusion, where am I ?
The presence and absence of the body; the presence and absence of consciousness; the presence and absence of the hearing.




Mayako Ohkura|Butoh Dancer|Performance Art Curator

A lotus flower to spread own lots deep in mud.Heaven world beautiful flower .




Hu Chia|Dancer/Choreographer|Monkey & Crane Kung Fu Master|Art Calligrapher

Walk into the darkness!


音樂家 Musician

大提琴|郭心蘋 Cellist|Grace Kuo

人聲古琴|張康德 Vocal, Guqinist| Kang-Te Chang

南管琵琶|潘 杰 Nanguan musician|Chieh Pan

鋼琴|Pianist|Antti Myllyoja /芬蘭 (FIN)


錄像紀錄|許鈺盛|趙浩宇 Videowriter|Atou Hsu|Hunter Chao

影像攝影|汪德範|林蔚圻 Photography|Te-Fan Wang|Wei-chi Lin

裝置藝術|鄭婉婉 Installation Art|Wan Wan

舞台監督|魏曉容|Stage Manager|Zong Wei

燈光音響|蘇耕立|吳承洧 Lighting & Sound|Geng-li Su|Cheng-wei Wu

行政統籌|楊子萱 Administrator|Julia Yang


主辦|滅劇場 Production|Huchia Dance Theatre

協辦|太禾藝創有限公司 Co-ordinated|Taiho Art Company

贊助|國藝會 Sponsor|National Culture and Arts Foundation

指導|文化部 Supervisor|Ministry of Culture,Taiwan

鋼琴贊助|一心鋼琴事業集團 Piano Sponsor|Heart One Piano