Anywhere is

Anywhere is

2020-03-24 未分類 0

Spring Flower, Embroidery thread, iron wire, cardboard, Iron box, newspaper

2019“EDITION OF MIMIARTEXTILE” , former church of San Francesc , Italy


Descrizione esplicativa dell’opera e del suo messaggio (obbligatorio) Description of the work and its message (compulsory) “Spring Flower”is a traditional Entwining Art from China Zayton. Usually“Spring Flower”is use to wedding bride’s decoration. During in HK , I feel Taiwan is in a state of political and culture turmoil. I change the Spring Flower traditional way to reproduce the eucalyptus shape and I mix the Taiwan form iron box and HK newspaper to do my work. I hope Taiwan in the turmoil, that can work hard like a eucalyptus.