作者: 陳漢聲

類別 | 新媒體藝術
專長 | 視覺藝術 動畫藝術創作 展覽策劃與執行 動力藝術 工藝
1988年出生於高雄,畢業於國立臺北藝術大學新媒體藝術研究所。目前擔任臺北市藝術創作者職業工會理事、走路草農藝團策展人。擅長實驗動畫、複合媒材、動力裝置,並從自身家庭背景、身份延伸至創作,關注農業、自然環境、性別議題。作品曾獲「臺北美術獎」優選、「臺南新藝獎」首獎、「日本東京Art Olympia『第三屆國際性藝術比賽』」傑出作品獎、入選「高雄獎」、「數位藝術奬」、「全國美術展」、「深圳獨立動畫雙年展」。曾駐村於中國Art35、駁二藝術特區、泰國清邁Ne'-Na Contemporary Art Space、泰國曼谷Tentacles、香港牛棚藝術村、竹圍工作室、寶藏巖國際藝術村。作品曾於法國龐畢度、曼谷雙年展、西班牙陶瓷雙年展、義大利袖珍織品藝術展、中國麗水攝影節展出。

Han-Sheng, Chen
Born in 1988, Kaohsiung (Taiwan), and graduated from Taipei National University of the Arts. Currently a Director of the TAIPEI Art Creator, and a Curator of Walking Grass Agriculture. He is expert in experimental animation, mixed media and kinetic installations. He also extends his own background and identity to his practice, primarily focus on agriculture, natural environment, and gender issues. His works have won the silver medal in the Taipei Arts Award, the first prize of Next Art Tainan, and honourable mention in Art Olympia 2019 (Japan); selected for the Kaohsiung Award, Digital art award Taipei, National Art Exhibition ROC and the Shenzhen Independent Animation Biennale. He has been residence in Art35 (Zhejiang, China), Ne'-Na Contemporary Art Space (Chiang Mai, Thailand), Tentacles (Bangkok, Thailand), Cattle Depot Artists Village (Hong Kong), and also The Pier-2 Art Center, Bamboo Curtain Studio and Treasure Hill Artist Village in Taiwan. His works have been exhibited in Centre Georges Pompidou (France), Bangkok Art Biennale (Thailand), BIENNAL DE CERAMICA (Spain), MIMIARTEXTILE (Italy), and Lishui Photography Festival (China).