Will 袈裟

Will 袈裟

2014-10-31 未分類 0

Passion for freedom是一個非政府與非營利機構,旨在藉由藝術的演繹,推廣自由與人權的重要性,已連續五年吸引全球的藝術家參與並於倫敦展出。胡嘉為六年來首度入選的台灣藝術家,其作品【Will (袈裟)】攝於金瓜石十三層礦區廢墟,以身穿袈裟的修行者,反諷那些盲從的信仰者一同陷入慾望之門,並逐漸的失去自我。台灣人民長期面臨周遭強權中美日國家環伺,陷入頓無所依的窘境。當恐懼籠罩襲擊著人的心靈,轉而依附的宗教卻隨著野心家一起墮落,囚禁人心思想如同魁儡般的走向毀滅。希望藉由此視覺強烈的藝術作品,獻給勇於脫離黑暗面、向光明前進的先行者。


6th Passion for Freedom 藝術季 (www.passionforfreedom.co.uk)


英國倫敦Embassy Tea Gallery (近泰特現代美術館)

195-205 Union St, London SE1 0PB

Passion for Freedom is a non-governmental and voluntary organization gathering professionals working in arts and media. They have clear message – promotion and protection of human rights using the means of aesthetic expression. This year as the 6th celebration, Hu Chia is the first Taiwanese artist to be selected and his artwork ”will” is to be exhibted in London for coming Nov. This particular work was shot in the 13-Layer Remains of Jinguashi, a mining site that dates back to the Japanese colonial period in Taiwan. Hu Chia wore the robes of a religious practitioner as he falls into the gates of desire, while ironically allowing believers to follow him towards death and lose freedom.

The art work presents the condition in which the Taiwanese people face the powerful countries of China, the United States, and Japan. When fear envelopes and occupies people’s spirits, they turn to rely on and hide in religion. Yet, religion has been pushed to serve the desires of greedy people. The world will also be destroyed by the belief in religion as a result. By creating such impactful artwork, artist reinforces the importance of freedom and dedicate to people who walk towards light as pioneer.


6th Passion for Freedom Art Festival (www.passionforfreedom.co.uk)


Embassy Tea Gallery (close to Tate Modern)

195-205 Union St, London SE1 0PB